Computer Security and Information Assurance

Offered through the Department of Computer Science, the certificate in Computer Security and Information Assurance provides a strong technical education in the security of computer systems and networks, as well as training in related policy issues. The four-course sequence emphasizes concepts in computer security augmented with current industry standard techniques and challenges.

All courses are held in-person on GW's main campus in the Foggy Bottom neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Courses are typically held in the late afternoon or early evening.

Course Structure

The certificate is comprised of two required courses and two elective courses, comprising a total of 12 credit hours:

  • Required courses:
    • Computer Security
    • Network Security
  • Electives:
    • Any two from a select list of department courses.

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Admissions Requirements

Prospective students must fulfill the certificate admissions requirements through submission of a complete online application form and other documents as listed by the deadlines noted.

Please note: First-time international applicants may not apply directly to a certificate program. 

Current graduate students who wish to complete a certificate along with their master's or doctoral program must also follow the certificate admissions requirements, but may opt to have their transcripts and documents transferred from their previous application. Please contact to make the request.

Transfer to Master's Program

Upon successful completion of a certificate program, students have the option to transfer credits to a full master's program at the School of Engineering & Applied Science. Please note: You must receive a B or higher in each course in order for it to transfer. Additionally, you must submit a new application for the selected master's program and provide the required documents and exam scores listed as part of the master's program admissions requirements.

For any questions, please contact